Are you in an Abusive Relationship?
If any of these things apply to you, you may be in an abusive relationship. Please Seek Help!
Does your Partner…
- threathen you, scream at you, throw or break things?
- become jealous, sick or angry when you try to spend time with family or friends?
- slap, pinch, shove, kick, hit or punch you?
- force you to have sex?
- try to control where you go and what you do?
- withhold affection or punish you with the silent treatment?
- threathen to have your child/children taken away from you and/or hurt the child/children?
- insist the abuse was your fault?
- make you feel afraid by using looks, actions gestures or a loud voice?
- threathen to commit suicide if you try to break up/leave?
- blame you when becoming angry or losing control?